Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Second Day

This is a second day of me keeping this blow.

Today was a pretty good day. I have completed putting together the PV bid table. At around 3:30pm I  left work (by work I mean my house) to go surfing. It turns out it was totally worth it. Great session with really nice waves. Great way to see the sunset from the ocean!;) I think the idea was for me to make up my work hours upon my return. Surprise, surprise, but this never materialized. I ended up eating dinner and chatting with my folks and now I am about to grab some drinks with a buddy.

Anyways really fun day but once again I really do need to pick it up workwise! This weekend its supposed to rain and I am staying in the city for thanksgiving. Hopefully thats when I will shine workwise.

Anyways, wish me good luck enjoying the SF night scene on this Tuesday night.

I am out,


Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday November 24th

As the year is winding down I am coming to a harsh realization that I am pretty much where I have started a year ago. Sure that I have gained a few useful skills at work and had a lot of good times with friends on Polk street. Still my bank account is just as empty as it was before and I am still as lost on where I want to live and what I want to do. So I have created this blog to help me organize my thoughts and track where my life is going.

As far as today goes I have done the following:

Worked - Note as productive as I would have hoped and my supervisor was way quicker in doing the PV bid evaluations.

Also, I went to ocean beach to fix my board and participated in a public opinion survey for 150$.

My short term goals are:

Finish PV evaluations work.
Complete timesheet for the November work.

Longer term goals:

Do the zero impedance calculations and set up a short circuit Aspen model.
Do Taxes!

Good luck Lesha and stay focused! I believe in you!